Paint Repair Shop

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Auto Paint Repair in Columbus, OH

A car’s paint job doesn’t just make it look good. It also serves as a protective layer against rust and other damage. Restoring the paint after an accident prevents further harm to your car, plus you will be able to take pride in your ride again. Best of all, Excite Collision Repair makes it easy and affordable to get auto paint repair in Columbus, OH.

Our same-day estimates ensure that you receive prompt attention and can get back on the road as soon as possible. We know that you need your car back as soon as possible, so our experienced team completes your auto paint repair services quickly while also taking care to ensure you love our results.

Talk to our team today to learn how we can fix scratched, scuffed, peeling, and faded paint to make your car or truck look like new again. In addition, our auto paint repair shop also provides customization services; we’d be happy to help you give your ride a personal touch.

See If You’re Eligible for a Deductible Waiver

Body repairs can add up even with insurance, especially after a major accident. That’s why we’re pleased to help our customers pay their deductibles. We offer deductible waivers for qualified insurance claims, so be sure to ask us if your car paint repairs are eligible.

Paint Repair

Alpha Automotive